since I don't get to watch the fireflies with anyone this year anyway. Given that my real life BF is also married to his work, it might be worth making a save and following that path as well. His bar was higher than Dylas' though, but for some reason, he would always think I was joking when I told him I loved him. He was actually my first choice and his LP was also at 7. (Yes, I've been sucked in by this game pretty badly, they are real people to me. I could imagine Granny Blossom chastising him for being so rude to the customers. All he could say was "." even while I was choosing amongst the shelves. Oh man, his awkward forced smile cracked me up so hard. There was one time he was manning the supermarket in lieu of Blossom. Is he a post-game bachelor? I'm right at the part where I'm in the lava dungeon, and judging by the story, it seems like Doug would much rather drop dead than go on any kind of date with me. My character’s pregnant self is alone on Christmas, but it’s cool, my husband will be too buried in his work to notice. Even more stupid is the event ended on Christmas so there was no possible way I could ask. The guys have their version of this event too and if it’s going the game treats it like EVERYONE is participating. I’ve been a little more cautious since the first incident listed but this event only had the ladies so I didn’t see any harm in letting it play out. Because holy shit he’s never home) the Slumber Party Event was going. Don’t marry him unless you’re okay with him being married to his work first. This same stupid thing happened AGAIN more recently but with Christmas and I’d married Arthur (which, small rant, I found out after saving that that was a terrible mistake. Doesn’t matter that he’s only in one scene of that event and then never again. I asked Doug to go to the festival and he said he couldn’t go. This did not occur to me when the event started. Thing is, when a Town Event is going on and your significant other is a part of it, they won’t go out into the field with you or go on dates. I had the town event “A Day in Leon’s Life” going on during the Firefly Festival.